How immigration status affects eligibility for public funds and other services
Find out what 'public funds' are for immigration purposes
Who is subject to the NRPF condition
Who can access benefits and housing assistance
Find out when section 3C leave applies
Residence rights of EEA nationals and their family members
How a person can confirm their immigration status and access to public funds.
Who can access primary and secondary education
Who can access funding for further education (FE) courses
Who can access funding for higher education (HE) courses
When a no study condition may apply to a person on immigration bail
Who can apply and how to do this without a National Insurance number
Services for children who are in need, have special educational needs, or require school transport
Who can get free early education and childcare
Who can get free school meals
Find out who may be eligible for the Healthy Start scheme and how they can apply
When families with no recourse to public funds can get accommodation and financial support from social services
When adults with no recourse to public funds can can get accommodation and financial support from social services
What support is available for people seeking asylum, how to apply and what happens when it ends.
Who can get Home Office immigration bail support
Where to get advice about immigration, asylum, benefits, or housing issues
Information to help signpost people to legal advice
Other services that may be able to assist or accommodate people with no recourse to public funds